
Well-being is directly related to our health.

The World Health Organization (WHO) considers well-being to be inherent in health status.

Indeed, according to the WHO, health is not only the absence of a disease or infirmity, but also “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being“.

Public actors, industrials, human resources and quality of work life department of all companies should, starting today, adress those improvement.

Prevention is part of the French government public health issues, for the 2023-2027 roadmap published by the Ministry of Health.
Therefore, wellness is key.

With Quantiq.io, you can provide a way to assess an end-user overall wellness status.

Many usecases involve wellness, however, the aim stays the same : a life-changing value service that direct impacts directly your end-user well-being and health state (customer, member, employee).

How ?
Fill free to contact us to think of your use case together.